


We build company culture GOOD LIFE“, which is not a life of well-being, but a life full of of challenges, committed work and overcoming obstacles.
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Reward for cycling to work(EUR 0.25 per km, electric bicycle EUR 0.125 per km) and the opportunity to purchase company cycling jerseys for a favourable amount.

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We support sports activities

By reimbursing the entry fee, we support
activities such as Spartan, marathon, football, bike races and more.

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Entertainment and sport

We have our own games room and a free fully
equipped fitness centre.

teacher with group of mature adult students in cla 2023 11 27 04 53 49 utc

Training and development

Opportunity to participate in the
SEDUO training program and various self-development trainings.

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Rich selection of dishes

We offer delicious meals
and a choice of up to 7 meals for which we contribute financially.

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Healthy diet and vitamins

We care about the health of our colleagues, which is why we provide
with fruit for lunch or vaccinations and vitamins in times of crisis.

tím kovmech

Best colleague

Each year, the best
associate for each division and company is rewarded in both the R and THP categories.

female doctor getting some euros from her customer 2023 11 27 05 23 52 utc

Financial rewards

For finding a new colleague (2x 100€), for improvement
suggestions up to 10% of annual cost savings,
performance and quality rewards.

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Of course, there are additional payments for Saturday, Sunday,
afternoon and night work, and of course for overtime.

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Anniversary Bonus

We are also thinking of you as you celebrate your life

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We get together for Christmas party, DOD, Kids
camp, divisional team building (up to 4 times a year).

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Company magazine and library

News can be found on the intranet and in the Newsletter, also
you can borrow books from the library.

Do práce na biku + cyklotrasy

Odmena za cestu do práce na bicykli (0,25 eur za km, elektrobicykel 0,125 eur za km) a možnosť zakúpiť si firemné cyklodresy za výhodnú sumu.

Podporujeme športové aktivity

Preplatením štartovného podporujeme aktivity
ako Spartan, maratón, futbal, cyklo preteky a ďalšie.

Zábava a šport

K dispozícii máme vlastnú herňu a bezplatné plne
vybavené fitness centrum.

Vzdelávanie a rozvoj

Možnosť zapojiť sa do vzdelávacieho programu
SEDUO a rôznych školení pre sebarozvoj.

Bohatý výber jedál

V rámci stravovania ponúkame chutnú stravu
a výber až zo 7 jedál, na ktoré finančne prispievame.

Zdravá strava a vitamíny

Záleží nám na zdraví kolegov, preto zabezpečujeme
ovocie k obedom, či očkovanie a vitamíny v období krízy.

Najlepší kolega

Každý rok je odmeňovaný najlepší spolupracovník
za každú divíziu a firmu, a to v kategórii R aj THP.

Finančné odmeny

Za nájdenie nového kolegu (2x 100€), za zlepšovacie
návrhy až do 10% z ušetrených ročných nákladov,
výkonové a kvalitatívne odmeny.


Samozrejmosťou sú príplatky za sobotu, nedeľu,
prácu poobede a v noci, a samozrejme za nadčasy.

Bonus k jubileu

Myslíme na vás aj pri oslave vášho životného

Podujatia ŠVEC GROUP

Stretneme sa na Vianočnom večierku, DOD, Detskom
tábore, divíznom teambuildingu (až 4x do roka).

Firemný časopis a knižnica

Novinky sa dozviete na intranete a v Spravodaji, tiež
máte možnosť zapožičať si knihy z knižnice.

Take a look at the gallery that captures some of the benefits we offer.


We care about creating an environment where people feel comfortable. We organize events, support sports activities, inform about what is happening in the company.