ŠVEC a SPOL, s.r.o. has been approved for a non-refundable financial contribution for the project “Support of intelligent innovations in the production process of ŠVEC a SPOL, s.r.o.”
Objective of the project: to support intelligent innovation in the applicant’s production process, to increase its competitiveness through intelligent solutions, to raise the technological level of production by acquiring new innovative technologies and introducing them into production.
This project was implemented with the support of the EUROPEAN UNION.
Project results: by procuring a fully automated cutting and bending line for sheet metal processing with a central storage system, the beneficiary innovated the production process of complex sheet metal and profile assemblies. Costly and physically demanding handling has been fully replaced by automation and robotization. It is also possible to control and manage the process better with digitisation, as the automation linking of the individual steps allows the entire sequence of operations to be controlled digitally from a single location.
The production process has been taken to the highest technological level representing smart industry with the introduction of the procured equipment and the introduction of intelligent solutions into the production process. The beneficiary has introduced complete automation and digital manufacturing, robotization and the use of an integrated computer system to ensure interoperability and flexibility in its production process.