In September 2020, the INOFEST innovation festival was held on the premises of ŠVEC GROUP, the aim of which was to bring together Slovak companies that had something to do with innovation. The whole event was organized by INOVATO, headed by Petr Ballon and Ján Košturiak. In a short time, thanks to today’s situation, many interesting solutions have emerged. It turns out that fragile companies

disintegrate in unexpected crises and anti-crack societies emerge stronger. Such companies were also part of this festival. The big exhibitions were cancelled, our planned regular exhibitions in Nitra and Brno were cancelled and so the idea of our own exhibition was born. It was a big challenge, as it takes months to organise such an event, but we had 4 weeks to do it. We accepted the challenge and together with a team of several people from different departments

we managed to organize a perfect event. It included not only presentations of innovative companies, but also workshops and discussions, and a tour of the company ŠVEC GROUP. One of the attractions was that the exhibition was held directly in the production hall. The whole thing had such an industrial feel to it and we had a very positive response.

We run projects based on Slovak eBik solutions, Agrokruh and automation in agriculture, we are working on Smart solutions for cities and industry, automation and robotization in smaller enterprises, modular buildings and connecting innovators. We hope to see you again next year !

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